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COREPLUS Diamond blades

19 Products found
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Coreplus - CORDBHT300 HT300 Hard Tile Turbo
Coreplus - CORDBHT300 HT300 Hard Tile Turbo The CorePlus HT300 Hard Tile Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment Width: ...
£91.76* £172.60
Coreplus - CORDBTT12350 Top Twelve General Purpose
Coreplus - CORDBTT12350 Top Twelve General Purpose 1 x CorePlus Top Twelve General Purpose Diamond Blade 350mm. CorePlus Top Twelve General Purpose Cutting Blades provide low cost cutting in a ...
£54.57* £89.35
CorePlus CORDBHM230 HM230 Hard Material Turbo
CorePlus CORDBHM230 HM230 Hard Material Turbo The CorePlus HM230 Hard Material Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 230mm Bore: 22.23mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£47.11* £82.92
Coreplus - CORDBHM300E HM300E Elite Hard Material
Coreplus - CORDBHM300E HM300E Elite Hard Material The CorePlus HM300E Elite Hard Material Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£68.30* £122.90
Coreplus - CORDBAB350E AB350E Elite Abrasive &
Coreplus - CORDBAB350E AB350E Elite Abrasive & The CorePlus AB350E Elite Abrasive & Asphalt Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: 10mm ...
£138.46* £259.82
Coreplus - CORDBAB300 AB300 Abrasive & Asphalt
Coreplus - CORDBAB300 AB300 Abrasive & Asphalt The CorePlus AB300 Abrasive & Asphalt Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£47.03* £82.79
Coreplus - CORDBAB350 AB350 Abrasive & Asphalt
Coreplus - CORDBAB350 AB350 Abrasive & Asphalt The CorePlus AB350 Abrasive & Asphalt Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£64.40* £113.86
Coreplus - CORDBAB300E AB300E Elite Abrasive &
Coreplus - CORDBAB300E AB300E Elite Abrasive & The CorePlus AB300E Elite Abrasive & Asphalt Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 10mm ...
£88.14* £160.32
Coreplus - CORDBHM300 HM300 Hard Material Turbo
Coreplus - CORDBHM300 HM300 Hard Material Turbo The CorePlus HM300 Hard Material Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£76.42* £138.20
Coreplus - CORDBHT250 HT250 Hard Tile Turbo
Coreplus - CORDBHT250 HT250 Hard Tile Turbo The CorePlus HT250 Hard Tile Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 250mm Bore: 22.23mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment ...
£56.36* £103.66
Coreplus - CORDBHM350E HM350E Elite Hard Material
Coreplus - CORDBHM350E HM350E Elite Hard Material The CorePlus HM350E Elite Hard Material Diamond Blade 350mm Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: 10mm Segment Width: 3.0mm The CorePlus ...
£110.92* £201.60
Coreplus - CORDBAC230E AC230E Elite All Cut
Coreplus - CORDBAC230E AC230E Elite All Cut The CorePlus AC230E Elite All Cut Multi-Material Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 230mm Bore: 22.23mm Segment Height: ...
£91.00* £165.72
Coreplus - CORDBGP350E GP350E Elite
Coreplus - CORDBGP350E GP350E Elite The CorePlus GP350E Elite General-Purpose Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: 12mm ...
£159.94* £301.37
Coreplus - CORDBAC350E AC350E Elite All Cut
Coreplus - CORDBAC350E AC350E Elite All Cut The CorePlus AC350E Elite All Cut Multi-Material Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: ...
£155.60* £292.97
Coreplus - CORDBGP300 GP300 General-Purpose Hybrid
Coreplus - CORDBGP300 GP300 General-Purpose Hybrid The CorePlus GP300 General-Purpose Hybrid Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 15mm ...
£61.18* £109.46
Coreplus - CORDBAC300E AC300E Elite All Cut
Coreplus - CORDBAC300E AC300E Elite All Cut The CorePlus AC300E Elite All Cut Multi-Material Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 12mm ...
£128.59* £242.50
CorePlus CORDBGP350 GP350 General-Purpose Hybrid
CorePlus CORDBGP350 GP350 General-Purpose Hybrid The CorePlus GP350 General-Purpose Hybrid Turbo Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 350mm Bore: 25.4mm Segment Height: 15mm ...
£75.38* £134.54
Coreplus - CORDBGP230E GP230E Elite
Coreplus - CORDBGP230E GP230E Elite The CorePlus GP230E Elite General-Purpose Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 230mm Bore: 22.23mm Segment Height: 12mm ...
£78.12* £141.43
CorePlus CORDBGP300E GP300E Elite General-Purpose
CorePlus CORDBGP300E GP300E Elite General-Purpose The CorePlus GP300E Elite General-Purpose Diamond Blade has the following specification: Diameter: 300mm Bore: 20mm Segment Height: 12mm Segment ...
£129.81* £244.85
* Prices incl. VAT and shipping costs if applicable. Offer information is based on information provided by the respective dealer. Please note that prices and shipping costs may have increased since the last update!
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