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Burley Owston 3kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning Stove
Burley Owston 3kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning Stove The Burley Owston is the smallest of their Firecube stoves range, but this little wood burner packs a lot of features. Smart contemporary looks ...
Burley Springdale 3kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning
Burley Springdale 3kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning The Burley Springdale 9103 wood burning stove is Burley's Fireball range. Fireball stoves are some of the most efficient wood burning ...
Burley Brampton 8kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Brampton 8kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Brampton Ecodesign is one of the most efficient wood-burning stoves in the world - with an impressive heat output of up to 8 kW, ...
Burley Brampton 8kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning
Burley Brampton 8kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning The Burley Brampton is one of the most efficient wood-burning stoves in the world - with an impressive heat output of up to 8 kW, as well as an ...
Burley Ambience 4121 Flueless Gas Stove
Burley Ambience 4121 Flueless Gas Stove A handsome stove with the classic good looks and homeliness of a traditional wood stove. This flueless gas stove gives you the ability to have a ...
Burley Debdale 4kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Debdale 4kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Debdale Ecodesign stove with built-in catalytic convertor has an incredible efficiency of 84.9%. This version of the popular ...
VOYTO-Burley Hollywell Stove Replacement Glass
VOYTO-Burley Hollywell Stove Replacement Glass Heat Resistant Replacement Stove Glass for Stoves High Definition Glass Giving you a clearer ...
Burley Swithland 8kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning
Burley Swithland 8kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning The Burley Swithland is a new 8kW wood stove from the contemporary Firecube range. All Firecube stoves use a patented Vortex firing system that ...
Burley Launde 4kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Launde 4kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Launde 4 kW Ecodesign stove is ideal for smaller spaces. The Launde uses the same 4-stage fuel-burning system as larger Firecube ...
Burley Esteem 4221 Flueless Gas Stove
Burley Esteem 4221 Flueless Gas Stove A Stylish and traditional style flueless gas stove from Burley fires, ideal for those who do not have a chimney. A handsome stove with the ...
Burley Bosworth 12kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Bosworth 12kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Bosworth 12kW Ecodesign Ready wood stove is the largest in the Firecube range, This big wood burner has a maximum output of ...
Burley Wakerley 12kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Wakerley 12kW Wood Burning Stove The Burley Wakerley wood stove is the largest of Burley's Fireball stove range. Their unique Fireball Vortex envelopes the fuel in a cyclone ...
Burley Hollywell 5kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Hollywell 5kW Wood Burning Stove The Burley Hollywell 9105-C wood burning stove is a super-efficient, wood-burning Ecodesign stove with an improved efficiency rating of 90.4% ...
Burley Swithland 9308-C 8kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Swithland 9308-C 8kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Swithland is an 8kW Ecodesign wood stove from the contemporary Firecube range. All Firecube stoves use a patented Vortex firing ...
Burley Icarus 5kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Icarus 5kW Wood Burning Stove The new Burley Icarus wood burning stove combines the most beautiful flame picture with clean-burn technology and exceptional British ...
Burley Pickworth Balanced Flue Gas Stove
Burley Pickworth Balanced Flue Gas Stove The Burley Pickworth balanced flue gas stove based on Burley's popular Firecube stoves is a 3.2kW gas stove with all the Firecube looks and ...
Burley Thurlby Balanced Flue Gas Stove
Burley Thurlby Balanced Flue Gas Stove The Burley Thurlby balanced flue gas stove is a 3.2kW gas stove with all the looks of a traditional stove and none of the mess - no refuelling, ...
Burley Bradgate 5kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning
Burley Bradgate 5kW DEFRA Approved Wood Burning The Burley Bradgate 5kW stove is a beautifully designed contemporary wood stove with a great heat efficiency of 82.9%. Utilising Burley's ...
Burley Bradgate 9305-C 5kW Wood Burning Stove
Burley Bradgate 9305-C 5kW Wood Burning Stove The Burley Bradgate 5kW Ecodesign stove is a beautifully designed contemporary wood stove with an improved 90.4% heat efficiency over the ...
* Prices incl. VAT and shipping costs if applicable. Offer information is based on information provided by the respective dealer. Please note that prices and shipping costs may have increased since the last update!
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